JCSC - It's Cyber Security Awareness Month! #CYBERISLES23

Plus: saying goodbye to CERT.JE, events, advice, jobs, and and introducing the Jersey Cyber Benchmark

Dear readers,


We’ve not paused for breath in the last few months, and we’ll have to at some point but before we do we have a lot to share, and much you need to know. This includes cyber security awareness month of course, and all events are now online and bookable so go ahead and sign up. All events run by JCSC, CIISF and IDGF are free and open to everyone - if you can’t find what you’re looking for just ask.

Interactive incident response exercises are back by popular demand, and for the first time ever we’re running a series of open drop-in advice sessions. And we do mean open - if you have a cyber issue you’d like some input on, book in and come along. Of course, it will help if you’ve done our benchmark first (more below!)

Is there really such a thing as a free lunch? Yes, if you’re attending our headline Conference on October 19th run by the Channel Islands Information Security Forum and kindly sponsored by local cyber providers such as Defence Logic as well as global companies like Recorded Future. The full list is below, and you can hear from many of these top level experts at all the events - including our very own bank robber, FC, who will be talking and answering questions at the conference.

We’re also seeking to improve everyone’s security with our Jersey Cyber Benchmark - you tell us a bit about your company’s controls, and we work out what we need to do to make our island safer. If you don’t want to wait, you can get started here.

In addition to all this, we’ve got so much happening that you’ll want to flag this email to come back to time and again. Of course, if you find it interesting and useful please forward it to friends and colleagues so they can sign up too.



PS. Did you seem Emily Moore’s Jersey Evening Post interview with Paul Dutot and Matt Palmer from JCSC? We will have more on that below and through cyber security awareness month, If you want to know more about what Paul does day to day, this post reveals (note quite) all…

PPS. We now have a formal scheme of delegation from Ministers setting out the role and responsibilities of JCSC. Now that we have a documented mandate we will be commencing steps for further international accreditation and information sharing to improve local cyber defence.

PPPS. Watch out for our special cyber supplement in the Jersey Evening Post on Wednesday 4th October, featuring practical cyber advice for businesses and residents, and an interview with our conference keynote speaker and self declared former bank robber, “FC”.

Before we get started: A big thank you

Thank you to our cyber security awareness month sponsors, supporters and partners, including Defence Logic, Recorded Future, Deloitte, Armadillo, Grant Thornton, Appleby, Vaiie, Soteria Communications, C5 Alliance, Prosperity 24/7, Tessian, Sure Business and JT Group, as well as many local voluntary groups, bodies and agencies. We’re grateful for all your support without which these activities would not be possible.

Sponsors 2023

Cyber Security Awareness Month, Level up your Security awareness

In preparation for October Cyber Security Awareness Month, Channel Islands Information Security Forum committee member Grant Mossman delves into some of the reasons why it may be worth attending one of the many events hosted throughout the month.

In addition Grant has put together a quick cheat sheet of the events scheduled. Cyber Security Awareness Month, Level up your Security awareness | LinkedIn

What is cyber security awareness month all about?

In a guest blog on the Government of Jersey website, Matt Palmer looks ahead to Cyber Security Awareness Month: Cyber Security Awareness Month: What’s it all about? – Official Government of Jersey Blog

And how to spot a hacker…

Jersey Evening Post Interview: “As an Island, we are only as strong as our weakest link”

Deterring spammers and phishers

by Senior Analyst James McLaren

We’ve seen an interesting attack recently. Some malicious actor set up a domain and an email account that was one letter different from the real domain, acquired a copy of an invoice, and sent it to a known customer attached to a note saying that their bank details had changed. Fortunately the attack was spotted…would you stop it? Read more here.

Channel Islands Cyber Security Conference 2023

Did you ever want to rob a bank? Learn how our keynote speaker did just that, and learnt to protect yourself from cyber attacks at the same time. Get your tickets here today for the headline Conference on 19 October:
Channel Islands Cyber Security Conference 2023 Tickets, Thu 19 Oct 2023 at 09:00 | Eventbrite

Cyber attacks can have a devastating impact on public services, on businesses, and on individual islanders.

Jersey Cyber Security Centre is working with Government of Jersey to improve the cyber resilience across the Island’s critical infrastructure, business communities and citizens to reduce the risk and impact of major cyber incidents.

To make sure we focus on the areas that will benefit you and your organisation the most, we need to understand where we already have good defences and where we have an opportunity to improve.

To do this, we are undertaking a short benchmarking exercise to understand each sector’s level of cyber preparedness.

All organisations are encouraged to take part. We are focusing particularly on the small business, financial services, hospitality and charity / not-for profit sectors where raised risk levels have been identified, however we strongly welcome participation from all organisations across the Island.

This short survey will normally only take a few minutes to complete, and can best be completed by someone in a senior technology, operations or risk management role in your organisation. If you are a small business, this may be you or your IT provider. You can also start the survey and come back to it later if you need to.

Survey results will be anonymised and used statistically only – we will not share your individual answers with Government, regulators, or with anyone apart from you.

Jersey Cyber Security Centre and our partners are hosting a number of educational events to mitigate areas of concern and enhance levels of preparedness, which will launch during Cyber Security Awareness Month in October.

To thank you for your engagement and support we will be hosting a series of sector-focused cyber incident scenario events where you can walk through what really happens in a cyber incident in a safe environment, and drop in 1:1 advice sessions with the JCSC team and local experts to help you address any gaps in controls and readiness identified in the benchmarking exercise, or any other area where you would like help or support with cyber security.

These events will take place on 9th October, 11th October, 16th October & 17th October 2023 and are open to all organisations that have completed the survey.

“It is incredibly important that we engage the Jersey community and in particular Jersey’s finance, hospitality, small business and charitable sectors to develop Jersey’s cyber security resilience and preparedness. We need the support of all of the businesses, organisations and charities to complete the benchmarking survey and to take part in the incident scenario events. There has never been a more important time to develop our Island’s cyber security and the stakes for your organisation could not be higher.”

Matt Palmer, Director JCSC

What is a CERT or National Cyber Security Centre?

We’re updating our name to Jersey Cyber Security Centre to reflect our preventative role, however a large part of our activities are of course about emergency response. Hear from Matt Palmer on the role of a modern island CERT and public service cyber security centre:

Events & Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023


All events for October Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023 are now published and available to book online. This includes:

  • Interactive incident response workshops

  • Drop in cyber advice sessions

  • Channel Islands Cyber Security Conference

  • Guernsey Information Security & Data Protection Conference

  • Jersey Mini Data Protection Conference

  • CyberEssentials

  • ISO27001

  • Pints & Passkeys

  • and much more!

The 2022 Channel Islands Cyber Security Conference

All events are listed on our events page below and bookable now:

And there’s lot’s to choose from, including:

Or sign up for all events here:

And find them on eventbrite:

Jersey Cyber Jobs


Prosperity 24/7

Jersey Financial Services Commission

If you have a role you’d like us to share please let us know at [email protected].

Learning & Tools of the month

Our Senior Analyst James McLaren explains.

Have you received this email from a friend or colleague? If you would prefer to sign up directly, you can do so here: https://cert-jersey.beehiiv.com/subscribe